
Monday, March 22, 2004

Lovely Head 

Email from CEO to whole company:
22/03/2004 08:11

Good Morning,
I’m sure that you will all join me in welcoming Diana Surname to the company.
Diana is our new Head of Marketing, and comes with an impressive pedigree, having worked for (well known marketing firm in London) for the last three years, and (some other well known marketing firm) for a year prior to that.
Diana has travelled extensively, both in a professional capacity, and in the voluntary sector, where she worked in South America for (well known charity) after leaving university.
Please make every effort to assist Diana as she settles into her new role, and lets face it, she can’t do much worse than the previous sorry excuse for a Head of Marketing who was here before.

Shoe inspection will take place at an earlier time of 11:00 this morning, for medical reasons.

Bill Surname,
Chief Executive Officer.

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