
Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Irony is a fine thing in the hands of an expert such as myself.
When Stella’s at the wheel, however, it comes out all wobbly and wrong. She has taken to calling her team The Boring Bastards, intended as an ironic reference to the evening of bacchanalian pleasure she thinks she enjoyed with us last week.
She says the geeky dullard front we present during office hours is a terribly amusing façade.

I’d be content for this misunderstanding to run it’s natural course, burn itself out.
Terry doesn’t find it so funny though. He’s got a hot date on Saturday, or rather, somebody who Tabatha thinks is Terry has got a hot date. If Terry Mark 2 screws up, then it will be our Terry who will get the flack for it. He phoned in sick today. I told him that it’ll all be over by Christmas. That cheered him up no end.

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