Tuesday, February 28, 2006
It Can’t Come Quickly Enough
Rex the security guard leaned on his spade and paused to catch his breath. A robin perched on his shoulder.
“What are you planting?” I asked.
“Oh nothing. I’m just putting in some pre-season training.”
He mopped the sweat from his brow.
“Winter’s a long time in the garden,” he said. “Once you’ve tidied up about the place, there’s nothing much to do but sharpen your tools and wait for Spring.”
I nodded sagely.
“Still,” I said. “The nights are starting to draw out. It was light at six last night, just about.”
A hedgehog emerged bleary eyed from beneath a pile of leaves and old data cartidges. It sniffed the air, had a pee and scratched it’s arse, then went back to bed.
“I used to think that that Seasonal Affective Disorder you hear about was a load of bollocks,” I said, “but, you know, well…”
Neil, my former team leader, ran across the croquet lawn tossing his pancakes.
“… I dunno.” I shrugged. “It probably is all bollocks.”
Some days it’s like somebody dropped a couple of wet sheep onto my chest. It’s the best that I can do just to try and keep breathing.
“Crocuses are doing well,” said Rex. “And the snowdrops.”
“Daffodils won’t be long now,” I added.
He said you can spend your life waiting for this moment.
I said it can’t come quickly enough.
“What are you planting?” I asked.
“Oh nothing. I’m just putting in some pre-season training.”
He mopped the sweat from his brow.
“Winter’s a long time in the garden,” he said. “Once you’ve tidied up about the place, there’s nothing much to do but sharpen your tools and wait for Spring.”
I nodded sagely.
“Still,” I said. “The nights are starting to draw out. It was light at six last night, just about.”
A hedgehog emerged bleary eyed from beneath a pile of leaves and old data cartidges. It sniffed the air, had a pee and scratched it’s arse, then went back to bed.
“I used to think that that Seasonal Affective Disorder you hear about was a load of bollocks,” I said, “but, you know, well…”
Neil, my former team leader, ran across the croquet lawn tossing his pancakes.
“… I dunno.” I shrugged. “It probably is all bollocks.”
Some days it’s like somebody dropped a couple of wet sheep onto my chest. It’s the best that I can do just to try and keep breathing.
“Crocuses are doing well,” said Rex. “And the snowdrops.”
“Daffodils won’t be long now,” I added.
He said you can spend your life waiting for this moment.
I said it can’t come quickly enough.

It kind of goes without saying, but this is my blog. I own it. Slightly daft MP3 disclaimer: All MP3's are posted here for a limited time only. Music is not posted here with the intention to profit or violate copyright. In the unlikely event that you are the creator or copyright owner of a song published on this site and you want it to be removed, let me know.