
Friday, May 25, 2007

It Covers The Hillsides 

I lost count of the times we said "Wow!" today.
The first big one was driving into Yosemite National Park when El Capitan (7,569 feet; 3,593 of them rising vertically from the valley floor) first came into sight. It's just vast. Huge. We swore a bit, then laughed, then said "Wow!" some more.

Here's a bear sauntering around a meadow.

We hired some bikes. They don't have gears and you brake by pedalling backwards, which is an odd experience and takes a little getting used to. I was especially proud of Girlfriend for getting back in the saddle, as the last time she rode a bike on holiday she was knocked off by a car and broke her wrist.

There's a twelve mile traffic-free loop around the valley floor, so that's what we did.
Here are some people in a dingy.
Here is Girlfriend cooling off in a river.

When we were done with the bikes, we drove up to Tunnel View. The sun was low and shadows stretched across the mountains. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

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