
Sunday, April 18, 2004

The Saturday Boy 

Yesterday I thought it would be nice to spend a bit of quality time in my Attic Studio Complex. It’s what I like to do to when I‘m not at B&Q. Hey, that’s catchy. I booted up my PC, switched on the banks of whizzy equipment which I don‘t fully understand, and strummed a few chords while I waited. So did I get any music done? Did I heck.
Instead, I spent the best part of a perfectly good morning searching for and downloading mashups.
If, like me, you are besotted with music in a manner bordering on the unhealthy, may I humbly suggest that you put your baseball cap on backwards, say a few cuss words, and hitch a ride downtown to the strangely exciting underground happening that is mashup. I’m completely new to this, so have no idea how long these links might be good for. Barking mad genius to my mind.

Abba - Dancing Queen vs. Electric Six - Gay Bar
Paintin' Paintin' - Rolling Stones - Paint It Black vs. Destiny's Child - Jumpin‘ Jumpin‘ (apparently)
Gay Paranoia - Black Sabbath - Paranoid vs. Electric Six - Gay Bar (again. Seems very popular.)
Beastie Bop - Ramones - Blitzkrieg Pop vs. Beastie Boys - Alive

If you’re in more reflective mood, then consider watching this haunting and mesmerising video (well I think so anyway, some might say morose) by Sigur Ros, one of the bands the Teenage Goths In Love were discussing on April 5th.

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Copyright(c) 2004-2010 by Tim, A Free Man In Preston.
It kind of goes without saying, but this is my blog. I own it.

Slightly daft MP3 disclaimer: All MP3's are posted here for a limited time only. Music is not posted here with the intention to profit or violate copyright. In the unlikely event that you are the creator or copyright owner of a song published on this site and you want it to be removed, let me know.