
Sunday, July 18, 2004

London’s Brilliant Parade 

Hats off to The Fabulous Jones Sisters for suggesting Primrose Hill and Camden Lock as nice places to hang out on a Sunday. You were spot on.

We spent the morning drowsily browsing round the markets and buying stuff - hammocks, knock off T-shirts, forged MOT certificates, etc. - before strolling along the canal to Primrose Hill.

On Primrose Hill, right on cue, there was a Dalmatian enjoying a lunchtime stroll. We assumed the owner couldn’t manage all one hundred and one at once. Girlfriend sang “The lions and the tigers in Regents Park couldn’t pay their way” while I kept an eye out for David Bailey photographing Jean Shrimpton, but I think we were a few decades late.

In the Elephant’s Head a bit of a micro-blogmeet took place. We met James Blogwell and Lisa Badger, along with Lisa’s husband The Animator and their Housemate C. We were later joined by James’ wife Natalie, who had locked herself out.
If you’ve ever wondered what other bloggers look like, I’m pleased to report that they look more or less like you and me - they’re just like ordinary people! Many funny things were discussed, not all of them blog related I don’t think, and a good time was had by all. Commemorative micro-blogmeet tea towels are available for a very special price in the foyer.

As the afternoon passed, the pub filled with people from the fifties. It was shakin’ all over. I was half expecting gangs of mods to come hairing in from the sixties on Lambrettas and for it all to kick off Brighton beach style, but if it did happen, it wasn’t until after we’d left.

Lisa and TA, two of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet, were kind enough to go out of their way to escort us halfway back to our hotel, so that we wouldn’t have to keep stopping at every other streetlamp to squint at our map, looking like the Guinnessed up innocents at large in the Big City that we so conspicuously were. Cheers guys, we made it back safe and sound, despite an unexpected detour around Wimbledon Common. We didn’t spot any wombles.

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It kind of goes without saying, but this is my blog. I own it.

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