Thursday, February 17, 2005
What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love And Understanding?
We have quite a few customers in Liverpool, so many is the time that I’ve sat in my car with a road atlas on my knee wondering where I might be. Getting lost in Liverpool is easy, and no matter how much extra time I add to the journey to compensate, I nearly always end up arriving at my destination hot, bothered and late. And probably not too good in the fragrance department.
The only time that I’ve ever been sworn at by a customer was also in Liverpool. A fascinating fact for you to do with as you please.
No such problems last night though, when Girlfriend, me and my Toyota Nosebleed happily trundled along the East Lancs Road to see Elvis Costello at the Royal Court Theatre.
We’ve seen Elvis loads of times and he truly is the bees knees. Last night everything was played in a country’n’blues shuffling style. Brilliant. And the Royal Court is a lovely lovely venue too. We sat so high up I got altitude sickness.
It’s a been a while since I updated you with our Ticket Stub Temple of Coolness that hangs in the downstairs loo. So:
Hope Of The States - Preston Mill
The Thrills - Manchester Apollo
Snow Patrol - Manchester Apollo
Badly Drawn Boy / Elbow / I Am Kloot / plus many more for a Tsunami benefit thing - Manchester Apollo.
Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Liverpool Royal Court.
Consider yourself up to speed.
At work today, Stella countered my “I’m not arsed about ambition” stance in a way I never expected: she’s appointed me as team leader for the next fortnight while she swans about on holiday.
The most responsibility I’ve ever had to deal with previously was looking after my Mum’s cats. They responded by moving in next door, so it will be interesting to see if “my team” do the same. It should amuse my Mum’s neighbours too.
“My team.” That sounds so not right. Stella’s going to “fill me in” with her “hand over” tomorrow. See - I’m already picking up the lingo.
The only time that I’ve ever been sworn at by a customer was also in Liverpool. A fascinating fact for you to do with as you please.
No such problems last night though, when Girlfriend, me and my Toyota Nosebleed happily trundled along the East Lancs Road to see Elvis Costello at the Royal Court Theatre.
We’ve seen Elvis loads of times and he truly is the bees knees. Last night everything was played in a country’n’blues shuffling style. Brilliant. And the Royal Court is a lovely lovely venue too. We sat so high up I got altitude sickness.
It’s a been a while since I updated you with our Ticket Stub Temple of Coolness that hangs in the downstairs loo. So:
Hope Of The States - Preston Mill
The Thrills - Manchester Apollo
Snow Patrol - Manchester Apollo
Badly Drawn Boy / Elbow / I Am Kloot / plus many more for a Tsunami benefit thing - Manchester Apollo.
Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Liverpool Royal Court.
Consider yourself up to speed.
At work today, Stella countered my “I’m not arsed about ambition” stance in a way I never expected: she’s appointed me as team leader for the next fortnight while she swans about on holiday.
The most responsibility I’ve ever had to deal with previously was looking after my Mum’s cats. They responded by moving in next door, so it will be interesting to see if “my team” do the same. It should amuse my Mum’s neighbours too.
“My team.” That sounds so not right. Stella’s going to “fill me in” with her “hand over” tomorrow. See - I’m already picking up the lingo.

It kind of goes without saying, but this is my blog. I own it. Slightly daft MP3 disclaimer: All MP3's are posted here for a limited time only. Music is not posted here with the intention to profit or violate copyright. In the unlikely event that you are the creator or copyright owner of a song published on this site and you want it to be removed, let me know.