
Sunday, May 22, 2005

Meeting of Minds 

In my dream, I turn up at Maggie Thatcher's house for a meeting. Her son is a quiet spectacled Frenchman who can't bring himself to make eye-contact with me. Her grandson is a crazy hyperactive toddler, running wild through the house. He is completely ignored.

I am the first to arrive for the meeting, and take my place at the huge round table in her dining room. She has provided note-pads and pencils, and a jug of water. I am nervous around her, and sense that she doesn't really like me. She asks me if I remembered to vote in the last election. I tell her I voted for the Green Party, even though I know I didn't.

Other people begin to arrive for the meeting. I don't recognise anyone, apart from my old PE teacher, Miss Bird, who gives me a filthy look.

The meeting commences. I have no idea what the meeting is about, but I begin to take minutes. Mrs Thatcher begins quoting Shakespeare, and demands that I continue doing this while she visits the toilet.

I try to remember some Shakespeare, but nothing comes out. Everyone is staring at me, and my PE teacher laughs.

[by Jezebel]

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