
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tonight We Fly 

If it was up to me, then Tonight We Fly by The Divine Comedy would be the national anthem.
It would be sung before Cup Finals, and at the opening of Parliament, and in school assemblies every morning, and after the late shipping forecast as Radio Four winds down its shutters on the day. I really like it.

I love the sense of wistful yearning, the dreamlike Peter Pan meets Under Milk Wood quality of the lyrics -
Tonight we fly over the houses, the streets and the trees, over the dogs down below, they’ll bark at our shadows as we float by on the breeze
- and the way they make me think of Settle.
The music is runaway train fast and rousing, and lends itself well to daft, joyous sing-a-longing. Perfect, in other words, for state occasions such as the unveiling of the new Wembley stadium, or the Coronation of Gordon Brown.

Me and Girlfriend saw The DCs again last night, and they were terrific. They did old stuff and new stuff, including a slightly over-ambitious shot at Party Fears Two, and I generally love how the boy Hannon has weaved his way into the fabric of the national duffle coat.
Long Tall Wanda and Leanne were there too, a birthday present from the former to the latter, bringing to a close three weeks of celebrations. So that was good too.

Me and Girlfriend had our tea beforehand in The Oxford - not terribly filling - after which she said I could lick her butter wrappers if I was still hungry. “That,” she said with a cheeky twinkle, “may or may not be a euphemism.”
Either way, don’t be surprised if you hear those words or similar coming from the mouth of Stella, my eighties style yuppie witch of a team leader, one of these days.

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It kind of goes without saying, but this is my blog. I own it.

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