Monday, September 04, 2006
I make a rare Public Announcement!!!
The Fiftieth Annual Royal Manchester Society of Blog Awards Ceremonies takes place at Urbis, on Monday evening, 7:00pm. Bring your own. Urbis is somewhere in Manchester. I suggest you try Multimap or something.
Please join me in thinking mildly hateful thoughts towards Keris Stainton and Stuart Kitchentable, my fellow nominees in the Best Personal Blog category.
If you’re thinking of going, I’ll be the chap in the tuxedo smiling ineptly towards Keris Stainton and Stuart Kitchentable and attempting polite small talk, while quietly dying inside and wishing I’d stayed at home with some Special Brew and Bryson’s latest.
The two blogs that I voted for, Mancubist and The 43, are going head to head in the Blog of the Year category, and I’ve heard there’s going to be a bloodbath. If I’d only had the intelligence to realise I could vote in three categories, I’d have voted for Crinkly Bee too.
If you see me, please do say hello and maybe join me for some cocaine in the toilets.
Further information here.
This message will be deleted once it becomes a bit, you know, irrelevant.
Best Arts and Culture Blog: Yer Mam
Best Political Blog: Normblog
Best Personal Blog: A Free Man In Preston
Blog Of The Year: The 43
Good Egg Of The Year For Organising The Whole Thing, Thus Disqualifying Herself From Entering: The Manchizzle
It was a very nice evening meeting up with everybody I met up with. I'll blather on about it more once I've caught up with myself. Could be a while yet.
The Fiftieth Annual Royal Manchester Society of Blog Awards Ceremonies takes place at Urbis, on Monday evening, 7:00pm. Bring your own. Urbis is somewhere in Manchester. I suggest you try Multimap or something.
Please join me in thinking mildly hateful thoughts towards Keris Stainton and Stuart Kitchentable, my fellow nominees in the Best Personal Blog category.
If you’re thinking of going, I’ll be the chap in the tuxedo smiling ineptly towards Keris Stainton and Stuart Kitchentable and attempting polite small talk, while quietly dying inside and wishing I’d stayed at home with some Special Brew and Bryson’s latest.
The two blogs that I voted for, Mancubist and The 43, are going head to head in the Blog of the Year category, and I’ve heard there’s going to be a bloodbath. If I’d only had the intelligence to realise I could vote in three categories, I’d have voted for Crinkly Bee too.
If you see me, please do say hello and maybe join me for some cocaine in the toilets.
Further information here.
This message will be deleted once it becomes a bit, you know, irrelevant.
Best Arts and Culture Blog: Yer Mam
Best Political Blog: Normblog
Best Personal Blog: A Free Man In Preston
Blog Of The Year: The 43
Good Egg Of The Year For Organising The Whole Thing, Thus Disqualifying Herself From Entering: The Manchizzle
It was a very nice evening meeting up with everybody I met up with. I'll blather on about it more once I've caught up with myself. Could be a while yet.

It kind of goes without saying, but this is my blog. I own it. Slightly daft MP3 disclaimer: All MP3's are posted here for a limited time only. Music is not posted here with the intention to profit or violate copyright. In the unlikely event that you are the creator or copyright owner of a song published on this site and you want it to be removed, let me know.